Adult Basic Literacy
Adult literacy is difficult to measure since adults are not required to take regular standardized tests. While having a high school diploma functions as an indicator of adult literacy, that does not mean that everyone with a high school diploma has the literacy skills needed for daily life and sustainable employment.
OIC of Oklahoma County
OIC of Oklahoma County offers free one-on-one tutoring to students age 16 and above. Students typically meet with a tutor 1.5 hours once per week at the OIC building between 9am and 4pm weekdays. Tutoring is offered year-round and students may begin anytime. 3033 North Walnut Ave., OKC (near the State Capitol). To sign up, call 405-235-2651.
Community Literacy Centers
Community Literacy Centers offer free classes taught by certified teachers throughout the Metro. Classes are usually two days per week and meet for two hours each time, from September to May. Call 405-524-7323 to enroll.
Literacy Link
Literacy Link offers free one-on-one tutoring in the Midwest City Library, 8143 E. Reno Ave, Midwest City. Students typically meet with a tutor for 1.5 hours once per week. Year-round. Call 405-732-2737 and leave a message to request an initial appointment.