English for Speakers of Other Languages
Improve your English skills at one of the following locations:
First Baptist Moore
First Baptist Moore offers free classes Wednesday evenings from September to May. Childcare is available for children up to 3-years-old. For more information, contact Don Jones at 405-534-1356.
Friendship International
Friendship International offers free English classes for women every Thursday morning, 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Henderson Hills Baptist Church. Free childcare is available for all preschool children. For more information, contact Amanda Stulce at 405-206-7466 or Stacy Neuschaefer at 405-410-5567.
Online ESOL Resources
Immigration Connection
Immigration Connection at May Avenue Wesleyan Church provides English classes, citizenship classes and legal counsel related to immigration issues. For more information, call 405-684-3247.
Oklahoma City Community College
Oklahoma City Community College offers free classes taught by certified instructors that meet twice per week for 2.5 hours each time in 16-week sessions. Citizenship classes also are available. Call 405-686-7873 to enroll or learn more.
Oklahoma City Public Schools – Language & Cultural Services
Oklahoma City Public Schools – Language & Cultural Services works with OKCCC to offer free English classes to parents/students in OKCPS enrollment area. Students sign up directly with OKCCC. Call 405-587-0172 for more information.
Putnam City Baptist Church
Putnam City Baptist Church offers free classes in Conversational English on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings. For more information, contact Tim or Pamela Stairs at 303-690-7314.
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma Christian University’s offers free English classes in the evenings once or twice per week at various churches in the OKC metro. Contact Gail Nash at 405-921-7740 to enroll or learn more.
Britton Road Church of Christ
Britton Road Church of Christ hosts free classes September to May on Thursday evenings. Summer classes also are available. For more information, contact Gail Nash at 405-921-7740.
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
Capitol Hill Baptist Church offers English classes for free, apart from a small fee for learning materials. Citizenship and Spanish classes also are available. All classes meet Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is provided as well as tutoring for school-age children. For more information, contact chbc@chbchurch.org.
Community Literacy Centers
Community Literacy Centers offers free classes taught by certified instructors. Classes are offered in-person and via Zoom. Classes meet two times per week for two hours each time. Visit their website or call 405-524-7323 to enroll or learn more.
Christ the King Presbyterian Church
Christ the King Presbyterian Church in Norman hosts free beginner and intermediate English classes on Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:30 p.m.. Sign up online.
Covenant Community Church
Covenant Community Church will offer free English and Citizenship Classes from September to May. Classes are Monday evenings from 6:30–8:30 p.m. at Covenant Community Church, 2250 S Yukon Parkway, Yukon, OK 73099. For more information contact Caitlin Hancock at 405-354-9338 or caitlin@cccyukon.org.
OIC of Oklahoma County
OIC of Oklahoma County offers Conversational English classes Monday and Wednesday 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 4:00-7:00 p.m.; Preliterate English classes Monday and Wednesday 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 4:00-6:00 p.m. Call 405-235-2651 to enroll or learn more.
OKC Trinity Church of the Nazarene
OKC Trinity Church of the Nazarene's Community Education Program offers free English as Second Language (ESL), Spanish as Second Language (SSL) and Citizenship classes every Tuesday from 6:30-8 p.m. at 7301 S. Walker Ave. in south Oklahoma City. Childcare will be available. For more information contact 405-632-3307 or trinitynazokc@gmail.com.
Capitol Hill Church of Christ
Capitol Hill Church of Christ offers virtual conversational English classes 6-7 p.m., Thursdays. Sign up by contacting Walter Castro at 317-969-5012.
Literacy Link
Literacy Link offers free weekly one-on-one tutoring by trained volunteers at the Midwest City Library. For more information, contact Antonia Walker at 405-732-2737 and leave a message.
Meadowood Baptist Church
Meadowood Baptist Church offers Conversational English classes at several levels on Tuesday evenings from September to May. Classes are free (there is a small fee for materials). Citizenship classes also are available. For more information, contact Lois Minton at 405-733-3389.
Norman Adult Learning Center
Free English classes: at Norman Central Library 103 West Acres Street, Norman, OK 73069 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-11:30 a.m. and at Dimensions Academy 809 N Findlay, Norman, OK 73017 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 5:30-8:00 p.m. and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5:30-8:00 p.m. Call 405-366-1059 for more information.
Quail Springs Baptist Church
Quail Springs Baptist Church offers free Conversational English classes at several levels on Wednesday evenings. For more information, contact Kyndal at 405-826-7692.
Rose State College
Rose State College offers free English classes taught by Rose State faculty throughout the year on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the Rose State Humanities Building, Room 130. Schedule is online. No need to preregister. Call 405-733-7498 to enroll or learn more.
The Spero Project
The Spero Project offers English Language Learning and citizenship support for adults in the resettled community in Oklahoma City. Contact Laura Kirby at 405-312-6705 or laura@thesperoproject.com for more information.
South Walker Church of Christ
South Walker Church of Christ hosts free classes 6:30-7:45 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. For more information, contact Taylor Cave at 405-632-1777.
Southern Hills Baptist Church
Southern Hills Baptist Church offers free classes on Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. Childcare is provided. Contact 405-682-1636 to learn more.
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Boosting your English listening skills. Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab has been providing online English listening comprehension activities for ESL and EFL learners since 1998.
Colorin Colorado
A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners.
First Baptist Church of Norman, Friendship International
Friendship Int’l offers free English classes on Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:15 pm and Thursday mornings 9:15-11:00 am. Free transportation, refreshments, and childcare for services for preschool kids. Call Beth Wilson at 405-314-7344.
Free English classes are offered Wednesday evenings at NW Baptist Church. 3030 NW 23rd St. 6:00-7:30pm with free childcare. Contact Susan Reynolds at howdyreynolds@gmail.com or Richard Collins at (405) 203-6325 with any questions.
Learn English Online
By using some of the latest web based technologies the Learn English Network covers a broad range of English skills. This site contains a wealth of resources to help you learn English free online, including help with listening skills and pronunciation, along with sections on the basics of English, spelling, grammar and activities such as games, tests and quizzes.
To Learn English
To Learn English.com is a free website for English learners. You will find free English vocabulary sheets, grammar sheets, exercises and lessons.