GED and HiSet Testing
Oklahoma offers two options for a high school equivalency diploma: the GED and HiSET exams.
The GED® test is made up of four subjects: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. You don’t have to take all four exams at once. In Oklahoma, you must be 18-years-old to take the GED. For 16- or 17-year-olds, you must have consent from a parent and a school administrator and complete a release form. Learn more.
The HiSET test is made up of five subjects: Language Arts-Reading, Language Arts-Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. You don’t have to take all five tests at once. In Oklahoma, you must be 18-years-old to take the HiSet. For 16- or 17-year-olds, you must have consent from a parent and a school administrator and complete a release form. Learn more.
Preparing for the GED or HiSET Exam
The following organizations offer preparation classes for students seeking their high school equivalency diploma.
Community Literacy Centers, Inc.
Free HiSET classes are provided online and several locations and times in the OKC metro. Enroll online, call 405-524-7323 or visit communityliteracy.com for more information.
OIC of Oklahoma County
HiSET prep classes offered to students age 16 and above. Daytime, evening and online classes are available. Students may start at any time of the year. Classes meet at 3033 North Walnut Ave., OKC There is a $25 enrollment fee. To enroll, call 405-235-2651 or visit oicokc.org/highschooldipprep for more information.
Oklahoma City Community College
Free GED® or HiSET® courses are provided in eight week sessions throughout the year. Classes are located in South Oklahoma City at the OCCC FACE Center at 6500 S. Land Ave. and may also be taken online. To enroll, students must attend a two-day orientation and assessment session. To reserve a seat at one of the enrollment orientations, call 405-682-7873 or visit occc.edu/coe/ged.
Online Academy
Free, online GED® or HiSET® courses through Oklahoma City Community College. To enroll, students must attend an orientation session at the PDI Center, 7124 S. I-35 Service Rd., OKC. To reserve a seat at one of the enrollment orientations, call 405-682-7873 or visit occc.edu/coe/online-academy for more information.
Norman Adult Learning Center
High School Equivalency Classes offered through Norman Public Schools at the Norman Central Library, 103 West Acres Street,Norman, and Dimensions Academy, 809 North Findlay, Norman. To enroll, contact Mary Ellen Davis at 405-366-1059 or visit normanpublicschools.org for more information.
High School Equivalency Closed-Enrollment Classes for Program Participants
Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma
Classes or students referred by the Department of Human Services, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. To determine eligibility, contact DHS at 405-521-4391.
ReMerge serves mothers of minor children who are facing non-violent felony charges in Oklahoma County. Participants are referred by the District Attorney’s office. Participants in the program may be referred to High School Equivalency programs. For more information, contact 405-208-7200 or visit remergeok.org.
Metro Technology Centers Basic Education Skills Training Program (BEST)
Designed for recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families through the Department of Human Services. Activities and courses are planned to meet the individual needs of eligible participants through assessment, counseling, GED prep, life skills and job readiness. To determine eligibility, contact DHS at 405-521-4391.
Firstep - OKC Metro Alliance
Firstep is a long-term residential recovery program that offers a unique approach to recovery from drugs and alcohol. Residents of the sober living community are linked with intensive outpatient services and licensed therapists based on individual need. Participants in the program may be referred to High School Equivalency programs. For more information, contact 405-232-1864 or visit okcmetroalliance.com.
The Employment and Education Ministry (TEEM)
TEEM helps those who have been impacted by the criminal justice system break cycles of incarceration and poverty through education, personal development and work readiness training. Participants in the program may be referred to High School Equivalency programs. For more information, contact 405-235-5671 or visit teem.org.
OIC of Oklahoma County
Registered HiSet Testing Center
3033 North Walnut Avenue, Bldg East
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Oklahoma City Community College
Registered GED and HiSet Testing Center
7777 S. May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK. 73159
Francis Tuttle Technology Center - Rockwell
Registered GED Testing Center
12777 N. Rockwell
Oklahoma City, OK. 7314
Metro Technology Centers
Registered HiSet Testing Center
1900 Springlake Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73111